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Empower Attorneys and Grow Your Business.

Join the Quilia Referral Program and help us bring our innovative solutions to more personal injury law firms while unlocking a new stream of revenue for your business.

We believe in the power of collaboration. Together, we can enable more attorneys to enhance their client relationships and case management efficiency. By sharing Quilia with your network, you play a crucial role in our mission to revolutionize the legal industry, while also benefiting from our generous commission structure.

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Earn With Each Referral

As a referring party, your success is intertwined with ours. We offer a rewarding commission structure that appreciates your efforts for every successful referral. For the first 12 months of each referred client's subscription, you will earn a 20% commission on all their subscription payments.

This comprehensive commission system ensures that you reap benefits for an entire year for each client you introduce to us. Your earnings are consistent and predictable with payouts made on a quarterly basis.

Join us in this journey, and let's grow together!

Program Rules and Expectations

  1. Eligibility Criteria

    1. To be eligible for the Quilia Referral Program, referring parties must work directly with personal injury attorneys and have a significant professional network within this industry. Referring Party must maintain a positive reputation, have a basic understanding of our product, and agree to uphold the standards and expectations outlined in our Referral agreement.

  2. Code of Conduct

    1. Referring Party in the Quilia Referral Program are expected to uphold the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct. This includes:

      • Honesty and Integrity: Referring Party should always represent Quilia accurately and honestly. They should never make false or misleading claims about our product. All communication should be truthful and in good faith.
      • Respectful Communication: Referring Party must communicate with their clients, our team, and others in a respectful and professional manner. Disrespectful, offensive, or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.
      • Confidentiality: All non-public information that you may receive from us regarding our business operations, strategies, and clients is confidential. You agree to keep this information strictly confidential and not disclose it to any third party without our express written consent.
      • Legal Compliance: As a referring party, you agree to abide by all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations in your marketing and promotion of Quilia. You must also comply with any other ethical or professional standards applicable to your industry. This includes but is not limited to, avoiding misrepresentation, false advertising, or any deceptive practices. Further, any violation of Quilia's Referral terms, including misuse of proprietary information or breach of confidentiality, will be deemed as non-compliance. Non-compliance may result in immediate termination of the Referral and potential legal action.
      • Conflict of Interest: Referring Party must avoid situations where there could be a real or perceived conflict of interest that could affect their ability to act in the best interests of Quilia. Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed to Quilia as soon as they become apparent.
      • No Unfair Practices: Referring Party should not engage in any practices that could be considered unfair, harmful, or deceptive, such as spamming, hard selling, or any form of harassment.

      We reserve the right to terminate the Referral if these standards are not upheld. Any breach of this Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and may result in immediate termination of the Referral, forfeiture of any pending commission payments, and potential legal action.

  3. Marketing Materials

    1. Referring Party in the Quilia Referral Program are granted access to our comprehensive media kit, which includes marketing materials, logos, and suggested verbiage to ensure a consistent and accurate representation of our brand. We kindly ask that all referring parties use these resources responsibly and adhere strictly to our branding guidelines.

    2. All marketing materials can be found at our media kit page: https://www.quilia.com/media-kit/

      If you need additional resources or have any questions about the use of these materials, please reach out to us at [email protected].

      Please note: Any modifications or misuse of our marketing materials without our express consent may lead to termination of the Referral.

  4. Confidentiality

    1. Referring Party are often privy to sensitive and proprietary information about Quilia and its operations. All such information, unless publicly available or approved for disclosure, must be considered confidential and treated as such. Referring Party agree not to disclose any confidential information obtained from Quilia to anyone unless required to do so by law or approved by Quilia. This obligation shall continue beyond the termination of the Referral agreement.

  5. Non-Compete

    1. As a referring party, you agree not to engage in any activity that directly competes with Quilia during the course of our Referral and for a period of one year following the termination of this agreement. This includes developing, marketing, or selling any product or service that is similar to or competes with any products or services offered by Quilia.

  6. Dispute Resolution

    1. In the event of a dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement, the parties agree to first attempt to resolve the dispute through amicable negotiation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation within 30 days, the parties agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration in Nevada, and the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its attorneys’ fees and costs. The decision of the arbitrator will be final and binding on the parties.

  7. Training and Support

    1. While Quilia does not offer formal training programs for referring parties due to the straightforward nature of our product and Referral program, we are committed to ensuring our referring parties have the necessary knowledge and resources to effectively introduce our product to their clients. If referring parties have any questions or need further information about our product, they can reach out to their dedicated contact at Quilia.

    2. For complex questions or issues, referring parties are encouraged to direct their clients to our dedicated customer support team. Please remember that the focus of the Referral is on introductions, and Quilia will handle the detailed client queries and support.

    3. We highly recommend that referring parties familiarize themselves with our Media Kit and product offerings to ensure accurate and effective promotion of Quilia.

  8. Changes to the Program

    1. Quilia reserves the right to change, modify, or update the Referral program at any time. This may include, but is not limited to, changes in commission rates, payment terms, eligibility criteria, and program rules. All referring parties will be notified of any changes in writing via email at least 30 days prior to any changes taking effect. It is the referring party's responsibility to stay updated with any changes to the program. By continuing to participate in the program, referring parties agree to any changes made.

  9. Compliance

    1. Referring Party are expected to fully comply with all terms and conditions of the Quilia Referral Program. This includes adhering to the Code of Conduct, respecting confidentiality agreements, and maintaining the standards set out in the Eligibility Criteria. Failure to comply with these terms may result in termination of the Referral. Referring Party are also responsible for ensuring they comply with any local, state, national, and international laws that apply to their participation in the program. Quilia is not responsible for any referring party's violation of applicable laws.

  10. Liability

    1. Referring Party in the Quilia Referral Program act in the capacity of independent entities and are not employees, agents, joint ventures, or referring parties of Quilia for any purpose. As such, referring parties are not authorized to make any commitments or agreements on behalf of Quilia.

    2. Referring Party assume full responsibility for their actions while participating in the program, including adherence to any applicable laws, regulations, and professional standards.

    3. Quilia will not be held liable for any actions, claims, costs, damages, or demands of any kind, for any person or entity, that may arise from or relate to the actions or omissions of the referring party.